home extensions

As house prices soar, buying and moving to a new property becomes a less desirable option for many homeowners. This has led to the search for alternative options that are not so costly.  Home extensions in Adelaide are becoming a popular option for homeowners who are seeking a comfortable, aesthetic home with a refurbished look.

Here are some of the benefits to extending your home.

Additional living space

Extensions provide you with a larger space that your family may need as it continues to grow. Additionally, it provides a home with a more open feel or simply allows you to put more things in your home or improve its function. An extension done well can also leave your home with a modern feel while also maximising the space to become more spacious and welcoming.

Add value to your home

The main aim of all extension projects is usually to add value to your home. Whether you intend to put your property up for sale, house flip, or simply wish to future-proof your home, an extension can elevate the sale price and produce a significant return on investment. It is worthwhile to consider the type of extensions that are more likely to deliver the highest return on investment (ROI).

Some of the more popular upgrades that provide a sound ROI include renovations and extensions to the:

  • Kitchen
  • Bathroom
  • Basement renovations
  • Extension of a bedroom to add a walk-in wardrobe

Improving or adding an outdoor living space, such as incorporating the following:

  1. Pergola
  2. Deck or patio
  3. Outdoor fire
  4. Built-in barbecue
  5. Built-in day beds
  6. Swimming pool

Alternative to moving

Extensions are an ideal option to consider if you are looking to increase space without the hassle of moving to a new home. Renovating can involve considerably lesser costs and eliminates the time and effort associated with house hunting and moving. You will only have to put up with a few months’ worth of construction before you can begin living in your more spacious property. Remodelling also allows you to stay where you’re at, which can be a huge advantage if your children have already settled into their school or neighbourhood.

Personalise your existing home

When enlisting the services of a professional to undertake a home extension, you are free to tailor every component of the design to suit your needs and that of your family. With options such as including an office space for those who work from home or adding a utility area for clothes washing, drying, and dishwashing activities, you can improve your overall lifestyle to meet any requirement.

A permit to develop is not always needed

In some cases, house extensions in Adelaide may require a permit before the project can commence construction work. Getting approval for a permit ensures that the development is appropriate for where it is proposed and constructed in a safe and compliant way.

However, some home extension projects may not technically be classified as “development” are thus exempt from needing approval. Examples of these types of projects would include building a small garden shed, undertaking minor kitchen renovations, or adding a water tank to your house. Therefore, depending on the type of renovations you are going to be carrying out, you may not need to worry about filling out an application and waiting for building approval – making the whole process slightly easier for you.

Do check out the detailed guidelines and planning tools provided by your local authorities to determine whether or not a building permit is required for your planned extensions.

Find out more about home extensions

With all the benefits to carrying out home renovations, you can start researching and considering whether getting a home extension is a viable option for you.

Looking for an experienced team to make your dream  home renovation in Adelaide a reality? Then look no further!  Finch Constructions is the ideal solution for renovating a home to suit your growing family or lifestyle. If you’re ready to start your house extension in Adelaide, get in touch with our friendly and professional team today for any enquiries.

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